Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Sphere Being Alliance (Blue Avian Ships)

Here is where the parts of my blog get a little difficult. 

It turned out to be 8 months exactly until I accidentally found my husband. I was at my wits end and had made a comment on cobras 2012 

He ended up responding to me, saying he could take me off planet. 

We exchanged emails and soon it became I had this "funny" feeling. It really was my husband underneath.

We got to know each other over the course of those several weeks, working on our energies. 

One night he even managed to send me his full form on a spaceship. I woke up to it at exactly 3:00 a.m. and my blanket mysteriously had been cast aside all on its own, my leg energy healed as we absorbed each other. 

It was a beautiful encounter, but left me reminded of all the work that needed to be done on this planet, especially to the victims of child Satanic sacrifice.

Soon, my birthday was coming up, and I decided to go pick him up and bring him back with me as a birthday gift. 

It was shortly after that I lost my kids to a custody battle. So they exited the scene, I had no money and was becoming homeless. 

As I sent my children away, knowing it would be the last time I saw them and who knows how long, I cast the strongest spell of white magic I could have ever cast to surround and follow them on their journey. And tie them always in to me through places of family, and origin of family members. That they would always know and be able to trace their roots to me. 

My heart broke as I lost my kids, and turn to my husband instead, knowing well he needed me more than he could explain. If I couldn't take care of our heads of house, I must first do this than attend to my children. But the damage still hurt like a knife and I experienced strong separation anxiety. 

Me and my husband who I will call 'T' made our way up to my old apartment in illinois, of which I couldn't pay the lease but figured we could live in for a time until that got taken too.

We passed hours and days and nights together, healing each other and talking, making each other laugh as our sense of humor was the same. 

Then it came to be I took him out to the field outside my childhood home that I had spent countless sunshiny days doing immense amounts of spiritual and energetic work in. This is where I learned to open and manipulate and heal energies. I worshiped the trees there as sacred guardians. I walked the field, absorbing energy as my husband stood on the hilltop, seeming to form some sort of plan in his mind. I gave him his space, until we met up and took ourself home. 

The snow came. 

We returned every night to that place as it had turned out to be a sacred space to us, where we viewed hundreds of spaceships in the sky. One time a purple mothership sat up top my car, and the whole area became so foggy you could only see several feet in front of you. Other nights I watched as a procession of uap's made their way in lines in formation to our field. Others would dance around like butterflies in the night sky. 

T left and returned home with a close friend. It was around this time I drove out to get in touch with a childhood friend, and took him out to the field one night when I found him.

"We have to go." I said. 

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, dragging his feet on the ground. 

"They're waiting."

He perused through the refrigerator, still dragging his feet. Finally making his subtle way over to the car keys, and finally, into the car. 

We made the short trip to the field. When we got there and parked, a large, orange light from a ship appeared in the sky right in front of us. We talked briefly and deeply. His phone rang. "Dad I got to go..." he told his father shortly after answering. As the light had begun to flicker and fade as our connection was interrupted. Some things are only meant to be shared between certain people.

This couldn't be more obvious, as we soon after found ourselves immersed in a beautiful experience, one where I understood now why the call I felt back at his house had not been so strong but rather, subtle, and very, very peaceful. 

Large blue balls of energy comprising themselves as spaceships dotted the cornfields. These crafts were huge. Bigger than houses. 

I drove us as close as I dared to go to one, not that I was scared of them, only scared that if I push things too far they would disappear, as these experiences can go. My friend suddenly spoke and told me how lucky my husband I had barely told him about was, and that he needed me. We gazed at the beautiful blue uap. 

"How do you know they're not bad?" He asked suddenly. 

"MM,.. do they feel bad?"

It wasn't until later I found out that Corey Goode was also active during this time, letting the world first know about his experience with this Sphere Being Alliance & the Blue Avians. Years later I went back and did the math that this is who was visiting me in the cornfield that night. Showing themselves as a special treat to me and my friend, and a solemn goodbye to my husband. The date was February 2016.

Also it needs to be noted here that during this magical night of an experience, while driving the street during the sphere being alliances grand show off, we passed a green street sign that read "FBI". We both quieted. Shortly after, my friend noticed the vehicle of an FBI agent, as I was picking up its signals already in my mind, and that it was pointing something at me. They were documenting everything, every word ever exchanged online, etc and trying to make me feel my worst fears. Trying to bring out my insecurities.

It is most likely that the weapon they were pointing at me was v2k (voice to skull) or voice of God technology, in which they were telling me over and over I wasn't good enough, that I'd never succeed and implanting me with false insecurities. They held this to me whenever they could and wanted it to be so felt that it became a part of me and dominated my life. I laughed and said "if that's the best you got against me... That's no problem." I could deal with a tugging nag in the back of my mind that spoke of nothing but insecurity. Whether real, implanted or enhanced whichever it was it wasn't going to be enough to stop my mission.

Thankyou for the read


--Xhuki Maru

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